Claerwen BOAT Closure

Claerwen BOAT Closure

19th October 2024


Please note – Powys County Council has closed the Claerwen Byway Open to All Traffic 144/299/1 as a matter of urgency.

The above closure has been undertaken in the interests of public safety due to a landslip.

Work will be carried out to clear the landslide and we will inform you of the situation in due course.

Noder bod Cyngor Sir Powys wedi Cau Cilffordd Agored i Bob Traffig Claerwen 144/299/1 ar frys.

Roedd yn orfodol i’w gau er budd iechyd a diogelwch y cyhoedd oherwydd tirlithriad.

Bydd gwaith yn cael ei gynnal i glirio’r tirlithriad ac fe hysbyswn chi o’r sefyllfa maes o law.