Elan Valley International Dark Sky Park
In 2015, the Elan Valley Estate achieved International Dark Sky Park status and became the first privately owned but publicly accessible park in the world to do so.
Here on the Estate we were granted the silver-tier status by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) based in Arizona, USA. This status now means that the entire 45,000 acres of the Elan Valley are protected against light pollution for the benefit of those who live and work here, in addition to the many visitors each year. The status also provides sanctuary for the abundance of wildlife and nature which can be found by day or night here on the estate.

Where to Stargaze?
We have selected some easy-accessible sites on the Elan Estate for you to come and experience our star-spangled dark skies.

What’s On?
To keep up to date with Dark Sky news please sign-up for our newsletter; the link is at the bottom of this web page. Look out for our monthly Eyes on the Night Sky Guide in our news section to help you get to know what’s up there and assist you in the search for deep sky treasures using binoculars, telescopes and your eyes.
For Dark Sky Events, look on our What’s On webpage, Facebook (ElanValley), and Instagram (@elanvalley).
We’d love to see your photos of the dark, sparkling Elan skies – share them with us on instagram, using the hashtag #elanvalleydarkskypark

Where to Stay?
To enjoy our stunning skies all night, we have a whole range of accommodation options ready for you. Come and stay in some of the most light pollution-free places in Europe!