Dark Sky Education
As a proud International Dark Sky Park, we love to talk about the wonders of the night sky.
We now offer various educational packages for children’s groups (Key Stages 1 and 2) who live in Powys:
A talk with various space-themed activities
We will give a talk about the Elan Valley International Dark Sky Park, what is light pollution and what we can see in the night sky.
Planetarium Shows based on the following subjects:
The Solar System
Humankind in Space
The Sun
What’s in the Night Sky
Constellation Mythology
We charge a small amount for our services to cover our expenses, such as travel and staff costs.
Dark Sky Activities at Cwm Clyd Bunkhouse
We also offer on-site stargazing through telescopes and a short talk on the basics of astronomy for ALL AGES for your residential trip at Cwm Clyd Bunkhouse.
Elan Valley’s FREE Educational Resource
As part of the Elan Links scheme we have been developing an educational resource for use in schools in Wales and England. This resource covers different themes related to Elan’s past, present and future, including sustainable water use, the lost valleys, climate change and art.
This cross curricular resource is aimed at Years 6 & 7 and offer opportunities for outdoor learning, in a student’s immediate environment or in the Elan Valley itself. It is available to download free of charge via the links below