Creatures of the Night

Creatures of the Night

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22nd April - 22nd April 2023, 8:00pm - 9:30pm

Join Sorcha Lewis, local wildlife enthusiast to learn about the wonders of our nocturnal wildlife. Sorcha will be exploring with you the fascinating night world of our moths, bats, owls, mammals and how you can discover more about these more elusive and shy species.

We will go on a walk at dusk, using bat detectors and our own senses to see what we can find in the Cnwch woods behind Elan Village. Back in the warm, we’ll look at trailcam footage as Sorcha explains more about these fascinating creatures and their habitats.

This is a free event, but advance booking is required. BSL interpretation available. Book here.

This event is part of SENSE – a weekend of events which explore Elan’s past and present through the senses.