It is with regret that we announce the forthcoming closure of Penbont House Tea Room and Bed & Breakfast. After much consideration the Trust has taken the difficult decision that Penbont House is no longer viable in its current format and the current economic climate.

To our loyal customers we are really grateful for your custom and support over the years, we will continue to open fully until 13th May 2024 so we hope that those of you who enjoy visiting will have the chance to do so. Overnight guests will continue to be welcomed until 20th May 2024.

We are aware some customers may have vouchers to use, so to make the most of these please book in with us before 13th May.

We hope to re-purpose the building so that visitors can still have the opportunity to utilise this amazing location in future and further updates will follow.

We cannot stress enough how difficult a decision this has been, we would like to recognise the hard work and commitment of our staff and thank all of you for your custom.  

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