Audio Trail for Fatigue at Caban Coch Dam

Audio Trail for Fatigue at Caban Coch Dam

03rd July 2023

Our artist in residence, Rowena Harris, has developed a fatigue-accessible audio artwork around Caban Coch Dam.

Rowena’s residency took place this spring, and is a two part-residency, hosted by Elan Links, and Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham. Rowena’s work is inspired by the water and energy management system of Elan Valley in relation to life altering fatigue. It is spoken from the position of water and takes inspiration from pacing practices for fatigue and radical habitation of space and time living with fatigue creates. 

A Crip Body of Water is available to listen through Spotify, and the full details of the work including the choice of fatigue accessible listening routes, locations, and accessibility guidance, can be found below. The audio is in combined Welsh and English.

English Guide (dark mode) (light mode)

An overview of the listening locations can be seen on the map below